My life as of late has been, in a word, hectic. I’m balancing a day time job, my own business, being a creator and performer, a podcast, writing for Autostraddle and the everyday demands of being a human being. Most days I am tired and have no room for the things that bring me solace, relaxation, or joy.
Don’t get me wrong though, I have built my life this way. There is nothing that gives me more pleasure than to live a life where I get to be on stage sharing my work with others, or sitting down with friends to talk about their creative endeavors. This is a busy but blessed life. Where I’m at right now, if I’m being honest with you, is trying to strike a balance between all that I am and all I’m trying to be. For me, that looks like many different things, but mostly having the freedom to take a step back and look at my life and my schedule.
I don’t necessarily buy into the whole new year’s resolution stuff, but one thing I want to do more of this year is keeping my word, part of that is using this blog space way more. What I’ve started doing is writing down just about everything and making room for what I can even when it’s only half an hour a day. I include me time in this equation because like many introverts, I require a ridiculous amount of alone time. The trouble with this is during that alone time, not spending all of it on my phone or binge-watching something on Hulu. The second thing I’ve been doing a lot is making time for real meditation. I make a gratitude list every night and try and meditate on the things I love and am grateful to have in my life, and there is so much to take pride in! I have beautiful friends and a career that most people would envy. It is when I take the time to remember these things that I can truly value them and give them their proper attention.
So what have I been up to lately? Lots of workshops! I just did a workshop with the Warhol for their youth group on poetry. In late winter/early spring I will be hosting a workshop with the Center for African American Poetry and Poetics on a topic that is soon to be revealed. The FigWidow Reading Series is coming back and will be far more regular than it was in 2019. I’ve been reading a ton of books and writing some really great poems. I can’t wait to share more with you, but again, I’m pressed for time!
See you in a couple weeks